(2004 Prophone)
(2004 Prophone)

When record releases of 2004 were summarized, the album "Lochiel\s warning" (Prophone, PCD 071) by Peter Asplund Quartet was picked by many Swedish critics as the best jazz album of the year.

Johannes Cornell, a music critic for Sweden's biggest daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter (DN), wrote that the album is "an instant classic" and one of the best Swedish jazz albums of all times. In addition to all the great reviews, Asplund as recently received two very prestigious awards.

Peter Asplund Quartet is a dynamic and closely united group who represent some of the strongest voices to be found on the Scandinavian jazz scene today.

With honest expressions, with respect for the tradition tastefully combined with a natural will of pioneering and with genuine charisma Peter Asplund Quartet manage to reach every single one in the audience.
"Starkt avtryck i svensk jazz"
Sven Malm, SvD

"En klassiker i sig"
Johannes Cornell, DN

"Det är ju ingenting annat än en stor, relevant återkoppling till den sublima dramatiken i Miles Davies och Gil Evans Sketches of Spain"
Tobias Brandt, LA Musik

Peter Asplund - trumpet
Jacob Karlzon - piano
Hans Andersson - bas
Johan Löfcrantz - trummor